
Passing thoughts and observations - never enough to warrant a post, but just enough to warrant a muse.

Markdown is great

last year

everyone knows that markdown is the best and I might have added support for markdown to the musings section. You’d be none the


In the time that it took me to explain this to you...

last year

I could have written it myself! (the main problem I have with LLMs)

Javascript in Oracle

last year

I never knew this… apparently Oracle introduced Javascript support within the last year. And not just within Oracle DB but within MySQL, too.

Stored procedures with Javascript?

SQL is wild

last year

SQL is wild. That’s all. SQL admins were given a very unique and sometimes limiting toolset and they use that toolset to the extreme and sometimes absurd edge.

LLMs for programming

last year

I went through a phase with LLMs (as I think most did) in 2023. What’s funny is that as the year progressed, I started to see the limitations and blindspots of AI companions more and more. To the point that I started to write my own code primarily, again.

In fact, what I find them most useful for is to simply automate the boring stuff (looking at you, mapping). My hope for 2024 is some sort of breakthrough for programming with LLMs where they gain some killer functionality. 10x programmer?

There and back again

2 years ago

I’ve been working in the .NET world for a number of years. My blog happens to be written in PHP. Going back to it is interesting. The lack of types is frustrating! Development iteration is faster without having to build, though.

Bringing in the new year...

2 years ago

I always wanted a way to publish my thoughts on my website. Something a little less formal than a blog post. That will be this section, which I hope I’ll remember to update with whatever interesting mundane 🤣 thoughts I have.